Thursday, December 20, 2012

Plumbing Winter Tips 2012

Croftside Plumbing Winter Guide

With Christmas close approaching so does the realisation of a cold and frosty winter. Whilst you may be preoccupied with Christmas day preparations, buying your loved ones gifts and taking some time out to relax after a hard years work - there might just be a few things to check before you can sit down and truly indulge in the festivity!

Now is the most important time of year to keep a close eye on your central heating system and the general plumbing throughout your home. When temperatures drop below freezing point a whole host of unwanted things can crop up such as blown pipes, cracks and worst of all leaks and water damage. Christmas is expense enough already isn’t it?

So have a read of our Christmas Plumbing and Central Heating ‘Wish List’ to keep your central heating system and plumbing, frost free (of course).

Ensure you know where your stop valve is located

If you’ve just moved house or maybe you just don’t know – First things are always first, ensure you know where your stop valve is located and make sure it is working! In the event of a leak or suspected frozen pipe it’s always important to turn the stop valve to the ‘off’ position this will help to prevent any further damage until a plumber can get to your home.

Keep an eye on those hidden pipes!

Make sure all exposed pipes (particularly ones found in the loft or attic) are well insulated to prevent any likelihood of freezing. If you have a storage heating system make sure this is also sufficiently protected. You should also check any pipes that run behind kitchen cabinets, bathroom furniture or concealed cupboards to ensure these are also properly insulated.

Dont give your pipes a reason to freeze over

If temperatures outside are below freezing point you should take some extra precautions to ensure your pipes don’t become frozen. If you have a lot of exposed pipes in the loft space or a storage type system it may be a good idea to allow some ventilation in through the hatch periodically throughout the day. As simple as it sounds, because heat likes to rise a bit of warm air circulation in these areas can exponentially reduce the risks of freezing pipes, and dreaded expensive plumbing bills.

Check your household appliances

Make sure all flexible piping from washing machines, dish washers and any other domestic appliances are working correctly and show no signs of leaking or near signs of freezing. Almost 50% of water damage from appliances happens during the winter, and can be the most costly thing to repair. So this is an important one!

Pipes freeze quicker than you might think!

Internal pipes start to freeze at much lower temperatures than most homeowners would generally believe. If you go out for an extended period of time, keep your heating on a low heat just to counter-act any potential freezing and to keep the system active. If you have a new combi boiler system you can set a timer to automatically start the central heating at the coldest points of the day which is usually just after the sun rises.

Staying away from home this Christmas?

If you plan on leaving your heating off indefinitely over the holidays whilst you visit friends or relatives, consider turning the water off at the main valve and keeping the faucets open. Burst pipes are caused when water freezes and begins to thaw leaving no way for the water to exit, by leaving taps open the water has some exit point and thus reduces the chance of freezing.

Thats all folks' (now you can relax and enjoy Christmas)

If you follow our dos and don’ts this Christmas you’ll safely survive the winter without any need for a call out from Croftside Plumbing and Heating. However, if you do suspect some of your pipes have frozen or there may be a leak do make sure you turn the water system off immediately and contact us or your local plumber as soon as you can to prevent any further damage. Remember prevention is always better than a cure.

Do you have any other tips you would like to share? Post them!

Have a great Christmas and a happy new year,

Croftside Plumbing
Plumbers in Newcastle


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